+420 771 207 171 [email protected]

About us?

We are an innovative HR-consulting company providing service in the area of international recruitment. Why innovative? We use latest trends when contacting the most suitable candidates and we help our clients to succeed on the global labour market. Our uniqueness lies in a very strong focus on language positions, which are much desired in today’s global labour market. Thanks to this, we are a major source of all language-gifted talents in Central Europe.

Our Consultants

The uniqueness of our recruitment process consists of our fully trained consultants who are focused solely on their entrusted segment within the international recruitment and language positions. We have a detailed overview of the labour market and rich experience in the respective industry. We know our way around the latest trends in the international recruitment and together we speak more than 20 world languages. That’s why we can recommend the best solution to your recruitment needs and to find you the best candidates who will be your advantage on the market.

Why HR love us

It’s not only our ability to communicate in all European languages separating us from the competition. Our team includes several multilingual native speakers.
One of the main reasons is that despite our long-standing experience with international recruitment, we have never lost our passion for what we do. We base our approach on:


• time flexibility
• excellent communication with the client and candidates
• full confidentiality

What you gain with us

First and foremost, professional services in an area that most of our competition avoids forit being too challenging. For instance:


• International Recruitment in the EU and beyond
• Language Recruitment
• IT and technical positions requiring special skills
• Consultancy, Counselling and Testing the candidates’ language skills
• Consultancy regarding the candidates’ immigration issues and full visa service!

What is included in our service

Our goal is to find you not only the perfect candidates, but to make you an attractive employer! That’s why we divide the process into several steps so you can see exactly what is included in the service:


1. Conducting recruitment campaigns
2. Pre-screening
3. Securing enough potential candidates for the recruiters
4. Executing interviews
5. Presentation of the applicants to the client and acquiring feedback
6. Full support for the candidates with the relocation
7. Backward monitoring of the process and its evaluation
8. Using the processing data to decide steps to make the client an attractive employer for the future
9. Relocation support. We stay in touch with the successful candidates and ease their start in a foreign country.
10. Sharing success stories by our representatives in respective countries, who then motivate new applicants

Write us


+420 771 207 171
+420 771 153 096

[email protected]

Ovocný trh 568/17, 110 00 Prague 1
– Staré město, Czech Republic
Talentinno s.r.o.
IČO: 08026092
DIČ: CZ08026092

Firma je zapsána v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 9462